Below is the email received from Vivienne Holm with regards to the post Open letter to Vivienne Holm Policy analyst for land information NZ .. concealment of corruption
I have published the message in full with my response I have also updated the earlier posts to reflect Holms views
the questions which I have and would like to see an answer to are
1. Why did Two Barristers approach a resource management Law clerk who was working for brookfields from home for legal advice ?
see Hoadley decision ” Mrs Hoadley on behalf of AWINZ instructed Brookfields as a source of independent legal advice.”
see Hoadley response ” AWINZ Trustees resolved to seek legal advice and assistance from Brookfields Barristers and Solicitors.”
Nick Wright in his response narrative of facts states ” Initial contact was made by Mr Wells to Ms Vivienne Parre (who was at that time married to Mr Wright). Ms Parre was employed at Brookfields at the time, and the instruction in turn came to Brookfields.”
Vivienne Holm Told the law society investigator that she was a law clerk see copy of ltr 11 May to Holm with file notes of conversation SAQ and Holm 18 May 2011
The law society in their decision on Holm 4192 completed decision Vivienne Holm state
6] In 2006 Vivienne Holm worked at Brookfields as a law clerk. She did not have a practising certificate until 15 August 2006 when she became an employed solicitor at that firm. At that time she was married to Mr Nick Wright, about whom Mrs Haden has also complained, and came into contact with Mrs Haden because she knew Neil Wells.
next question
2. In her complaint to the Private security Licencing authority Holm claims “First, I held a practising certificate throughout 2006 as confirmed in the email from the NZLS attached annexure H.
I enquired with the law society and was told that they did not have the records as the records in 2006 were held by a different society which folded when the new legislation came in .( 2008)
I stand by my Enquiries at the time and the findings that the law society came to, ie that you were a law clerk and did not hold a practicing certificate until august I cant see what the big deal is other than that you too can see that there is no logic in two barristers instructing a law clerk. the email copy which you sent is not evidence , it is hearsay and therefore rejected .
3. my contact with you was in 2006 when you phoned me and intimidated me and attempted to blackmail me by making threats against my private investigators licence if we did not change the name of out legally incorporated trust
Why do you consider this defamatory when the evidence speaks for itself .
see emails from vivienne parre
Note Vivienne has been married a number of times her names have been Parre Holm and Wright
4. in the emails mentioned above you say ” I simply wish to alert you to the fact that in my view your registration of the name “AWINZ” and your website are illegal.” what is the basis for this ? we proved through registration and our website clearly proved that we had incorporated to prove that the AWINZ with law enforcement authority did not exist , this was of major public interest.
evidence was sent to you from the registrar of companies see here
So how is it illegal to prove that something which plays such a pivotal role in society is a fraud and why did you go all out and sustain an attack on me for a further 12 years to keep this fraud concealed
5. you contacted me via netsafe to support a complaint under the harmful digital communications act with regards to a post on transparency in 2011 which predates the act . If there was anything incorrect with this why not simply communicate with us and seek a correction .Why did it take till 2016 for you to contact me again
Next contact almost exactly a year later
6. in december 2017 you again contacted me again you made threats against my PI licence , why make threats when if something had been lost in interpretation with net safe and myself it could have been resolved with simple non threatening communications, each time you come at me in the most aggressive manner . Every contact contains a threat of one sort or another .
Despite a most civil response and the promise to provide clarification you made a complaint to the private security licencing authority alleging very serious wrong doing for which you did not provide any evidence .
You even tried to imply something sinister in my arrival at your house in 2006 when I attempted to seek resolution as a result of your threats
7. you state “I note that I gave you a letter from the New Zealand Law Society rebutting your claims about me weeks ago. ” I do not recall getting such a letter are you referring to annexure H ? if not please send me the letter you are referring to happy to look at it and publish it
Now you are threatening defamation again , and no, I don’t know that you are suing me , I do not assume such things . I have repeatedly asked you to point out what you think is defamatory and you will not tell me. Resolution apparently not high o n your list as you know you will have to eat humble pie . as I have said its never too late to apologize
May I remind you that defamation is a two edged sword and at this stage it appears that I have the evidence that you have been defaming and blackmailing me To tell someone to change the name of a legally formed trust or risk losing their professional licence is black mail I have the evidence that I have been speaking the truth .
The fact which matters is that AWINZ the approved organization was not the same as the trust which you claim you were instructed by.
Please Vivienne You are a policy analyst it defies belief that you don’t know about identity 101
- an unincorporated trust which does not have a trust deed, trustees or assets cannot make an application for law enforcement powers
- Neil Wells did not have a trust deed in March 2000 to give the minister a copy, this was two weeks after two copies had allegedly been signed
- Why was Wells claiming that AWINZ existed in 1998 , if it existed it could have incorporated 10 times over , but he was using his position as advisor to the select committee to feel every one so that he could make a fraudulent application to the minister.
- It is this fraud that you have strived so hard to cover up , I can prove it and I welcome your defamation action to prove the truth. the reality is that due diligence would have prevented 12 years of hell for me.
- Last time you initiated definition proceedings with your then husband Nick never proved the content of the statement of claim, it is full of lies and seriously misleads the court , you had my defence of truth and honest opinion struck out so that you could win.
- I call that dirty law it is against the rule of law and only unethical lawyers act in that way, the law society investigated but because this transition over the implementation of new legislation you got out of it this is the decision for nick wright decision
- It is of note that Nick Wright wright response narrative of facts wrote on a letter head for a fictional company a undefined trading name something which cannot enter into a contract and after he had been a committed patient which appeared to escape the law societies notice as to his suitability to hold a practicing certificate.. it gets better all the time see] WRIGHT v ATTORNEY-GENERAL (NEW ZEALAND POLICE) [2017] NZHC 2865 [22 November 2017]
as a subtle reminder as the lawyer you are obliged to comply with section 4 of the lawyers and conveyancers act
(a) the obligation to uphold the rule of law and to facilitate the administration of justice in New Zealand:
(d)the obligation to protect, subject to his or her overriding duties as an officer of the High Court and to his or her duties under any enactment, the interests of his or her clients.
Any way your email in response to the post is below and my response back to you to which you replied “Thanks for the response Grace, that’s fine.”
From: Grace Haden <>
Sent: Sunday, 18 March 2018 5:09 p.m.
To: ‘Vivienne Holm’ <>
Subject: RE: Open letter to Vivienne Holm Policy analyst for land information NZ .. concealment of corruption
Thank you Vivienne
No I will not accept service email
I am happy to make any corrections and will update the posts using your emails as reference.
I am happy to resolve anything but I suspect you are looking for a fight .
The reality is that I checked with the law society and I have been told by them that they do not have the records for 2006 as this was a different society
You escaped the wrath of the law society because the act changed in 2008
I am happy to put an Asterix and a foot note to the posts to clarify your view and the evidence which I obtained at the time and the findings of the law society
I cannot understand why you think that a simple letter can over turn the findings of the law society committee , and you call me unhinged !!!!
I will welcome your defamation proceedings it will once and for all blow the lid on AWINZ .
It is simply beyond me that a policy analyst cannot discern what a trust is or what a lie to the minister is
You have concealed corruption you know that you have to attack me because you are so scared of your own neck
This is nothing more than vexatious you have built up to this over the years probably because you see this way of getting some money due to all your pro bono mindless work.
Sit down Vivienne and have a very good hard think about the reality of AWINZ the law enforcement authority which the trust deed 1.3.2000 which had not been seen prior to 2006 concealed
Also check out the lies that Neil wells told the minister and ask yourself why you never questioned how wyn Hoadley became a trustee of a trust which was missing a deed had no assets and had never met prior to 10 may 2010
Why would two barristers instruct a law clerk working from home and why did you tell Sally Quigley that you were a law clerk.
Open some of the evidence on the site Vivienne look at it do your job you have been covering up for a fictional organisation by consistently attacking me .
Your credibility would be enhanced if you looked at the things which simply do not stack up and say .. oops sorry
I will have no reason to blog about you and AWINZ once the attacks on me stop.
I have the evidence , I will be asking for security for costs and I will get a top lawyer so be prepared .
Will put this up on transparency tomorrow. In the interest of transparency
Its never too late to apologise , this can be resolved amicably you just need to stop attacking me
happy to sit down with a mediator if you pay
Grace Haden